Adjust your grip.

You are on that last mile of a half marathon, 5K, full marathon, or even the first mile you have ran in a long time, and your lungs are burning, your legs feel like Jell-O and every cell in your body is crying for you to stop, to give up.  But, you mind refuses, you think of all you have trained for, what you have dreamed about, and so you push through. You overcome the weakness in your body and you strengthen you weak knees.  Maybe you’re hanging from that pull up bar trying to achieve your personal goal of accomplishing a specific amount of pull ups.  Your natural reaction would be to drop from the bar because your hands hurt, the blisters are forming and your arms are aching.  But, you adjust your grip and you hold on and push through to accomplish your goal.

If you in a place in your life that you feel like giving up.  It feels like all the pressures are closing in on you the bible gives us some instructions.  Hebrews 12:12-13 says to take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen you weak knees.  You may ask, why does it really matter if I give up?  It only affects me right.  The next verse tells us the reason why we need to keep pushing through.  It’s because we are cutting a new path for someone else’s to come along behind us to follow.  The scripture says it’s to forge a new path that those who may be weaker than us can follow behind us and they can have victory because we did not give up.  Those watching us and following us may feel weak but when they see us prevail they will become stronger in their life and faith. 

So when you finishing that last mile of the race, and you push through those last few pull ups, those coming behind you get excited and full of the energy that you have, and they push through their own struggles and are able to have victory along with you!