His mercy is new!

The past few mornings as I have let our 8-pound ball of brown fur out, to do his morning routine, I’ve been met by the sounds of birds chirping and warmer air touching my skin. The thing that draws my eyes and makes me to pull my phone out to take photos, is the sun as it pushes its way back up over the mountain. At the time I’m looking at it the sun has not quite made its way to its fullness, but its trying. Its pushing the yellows, reds, and oranges across the January Tennessee sky. The darkness that proceeded it is scurrying to the corners trying to hold on for just that one last minute but its failing miserable. As I look at the sights, hear the sound, and feel the air the scripture that keeps coming to my mind is found in Lamentations 3:21-23 “Yet I call this to mind, and therefore I have hope: because of the Lords faithful love we do not perish, for his mercies never end. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness!” (CSB)

Ahh the promise that each morning His mercy is new, and He has promised to be faithful to us, and His love does no perish. Have you ever noticed that when there are trials in your life that as you go throughout your day you are able to push the thoughts of worry aside and not dwell on them as much? You occupy you mind with cleaning house, your job, helping the kids with homework, or watching the ball game on TV. But, as the night approaches all the thoughts you were able to keep at bay during the day now floods your mind along with magnified thoughts of disaster or disappointment. Now I know I can’t be the only one that has laid my head down in bed and struggle to fall asleep due to the thoughts I’ve let creep into my mind. We may feel like we have failed in so many areas, things like raising our children, keeping our marriage fresh or just even keeping our marriage together. Let me stop and say, to be honest maybe your have failed, maybe you didn’t raise your children the way you really should have, maybe you did walk out on your family, or maybe you have an addiction or maybe you are the problem at work, but guess what, Gods mercy is new EVERY morning. No matter where you are in your life, if you’re in that dark place right now, know that just as the sun sets every night and leaves your part of the earth engulfed in darkness, within just a few hours the sun will be pushing back through that darkness and bringing you morning.

If we go back into the first two chapters of Lamentations we see that Jeremiah is talking to God about Jerusalem whom were part of God’s chosen people. They had turned their back on God and God had let them be taken in to captivity by the Babylonians. He had allowed some hard times to come on the people of Jerusalem and let them face some things that were not pleasant for them. We read how that no matter all the trials that Jeremiah reaches for the promises of God. He says “Yet, I call this to mind, and therefore I have hope!”

I want to encourage you to know that if you’re on the top of the mountain right now that is GREAT, but there’s someone who is not, and God wants you to know that His mercies don’t end, and He is faithful and all He wants is for you to seek Him out. Verse 25 said “The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him” (CSB, Lamentations 3:25). Take time to seek God out and He will bring the Son rise that you need in your life.