New life after fire

Fire is a horrible awful thing that can be scary and devastating at the time.  We hear about homes, and land being destroyed by fires, and it breaks our hearts to see memories and beautiful full-grown trees being wiped out.  When we hear about it our thoughts are that it just doesn’t seem right that it would happen.  But as time passes things you can see that in the places where the fire has been, there is new green that shows through, and new homes are built, and things look fresh and clean and whole again.  In 1 Peter 1:6-7 CSB “ You rejoice in this, even though now for a short time, if necessary, you suffer grief in various trials, so that the proven character of your faith – more valuable than gold which, though perishable, is refined by fire- may result in praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ”. 

We each will face trials and times that just seem like we can’t bare them anymore. Sometimes the heart ache may come from close friends or family members, or from our work.  By understanding that if we have committed everything over to God and we are obeying everything He has given us, we can know that this trial is just a time in our lives that is purifying us and what will grow after this fire, will be fresh new and give new life to  us. 

Just like after a forest fire the ground is full of nutrients and new growth can grow, that’s how our lives can be if we press into the trials that we face and we seek God during those hard times.  He can bring new life from the struggle.  Even though the process of the fire is hard, and may devastate us for a time, God can bring healing and new vibrant ideas, and life from it!

Be encouraged friend, if you are facing a trial or a hard place, because through it all you CAN come through it with victory and become stronger.