Paid in FULL!

Have you ever had a loan that when you had finally got it paid off, it was like you really didn’t know what to do? You were so excited to not have to give that money to the person you had borrowed it from! It was like a load had been lifted off of you and your family. Or, have you ever driven through the fast food restaurant and the employee at the window said that your bill had been paid by someone else, and you owed nothing? It’s one of the most amazing feelings ever, knowing that you no longer owe on your debt.

Something that excites me more than anything is knowing that I no longer have to pay for the debt of my sin. I know that my sin debt was paid in full and I no longer have to work to pay it off. I don’t have to worry about how I’m going to pay for the bad things I’ve done. I can know live free knowing that my debt has been paid, and I can work and live freely because of the debt that Jesus paid for me on the cross. It is Easter week and much happened this week that we celebrate, the entering of Jesus into Jerusalem, the Last supper that Jesus and his disciples had. The prayer in the garden where Jesus prayed that if there was any other way to pay my debt to let it please happen, but there wasn’t. Jesus had to go to the cross, and pay the price, that I and you could never have paid. We could work all our lives yet, we would still never be able to pay the debt off. The freedom that coming to Christ brings far out weights the freedom we feel when we pay a money debt off.

So often after we pay off a debt, such as a car or small loan, we decide to turn around and put ourselves back into that bondage of another debt. Sometimes we as Christians also do this. We know that Jesus paid our debt yet we work, and work, and work, at trying to do everything ourselves. We try to carry all our own burdens and not take them to the cross, and lay them down so that Jesus can do what He is good at, paying debt!

This week as we celebrate Jesus death and resurrection, mediate on your life, are you trying to pay the debt that has already been paid? Or, are you living a FREE life that Jesus wants and longs for you to live? Romans 5:8