Sweet smell of Praise.

                As I walked out of the daycare, from dropping my youngest son off, a few mornings ago, there was a strong smell that hit my nostrils.  It wasn’t repulsive by any means rather, it was sweet and soft to smell.  It brought my head to attention looking for where it was coming from.  My mind immediately thought, this is like the sweet smell that God has when we praise him.  The Bible tells us in Hebrews 13:15, “Therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to his name.”  In the end of verse 16 it tells us that praise is one of the sacrifices that please God.   We don’t really think of our praise being a sacrifice, because a sacrifice is something we must give up or surrender.  Lets think for a minute though. After I smelled that beautiful aroma, and the sun was shinning on my back, and my life was “good” at that moment. It was easy for me to praise God at that moment for all he has provided and given to me and my family.  But, when times are harder and there’s rain in the sky, and creditors are pushing in on every side, and sickness is racking the body of my child, is it as easy to praise him? NO! I must CHOOSE and surrender my personal human feelings at that moment and praise God.  I have personally been guilty of being able to sing his praises when the times are so easy and things look so good, but when things get harder it’s a conscious choice I must make, to look for things to praise Him for.

Today, no matter what place your in, your praises to God, whether in song or prayer, are a sweet smell to your savior.  What better way to please him then to give him praise today!  I choose to be a sweet smell rather than a repulsive smell of grumbling and complaining!