Word of 2019

For the year 2019 God has given me the word “stretch”. What is the first thing we think of when we think about stretching something? Some of the first things that come to my mind are muscles, rubber, and clay. Let’s look at what happens when we stretch a rubber band, so bear with me just a minute while I try to explain how this works. When a rubber band is stretched the molecules that were previously all tangled up, like discarded fishing line, now becomes straight and aligned. As you continue to stretch the rubber band over and over it eventually changes its shape. So when I think of how God will stretch me it makes me excited to see God take my tangled mess and stretch it to align with His plan. I see God stretching me in my personal growth, my prayer life, and in my simple obedience. I also believe over the next year God will stretch my family, our finances and our time. My vison for the year is to see God take our tangled web of not enough time, energy, and money and stretch it to the point that in 2020 we, I, will be different. I long to become more aligned with His plan. “Enlarge the site of your tent and let your tent curtains be stretched out; do not hold back; lengthen your ropes and drive your pegs deep. For you will spread out to the right and to the left, and your descendants will dispossess nations and inhabit the desolate cities” (Isaiah 54:2-3 CSB).

Stretching can be inconvenient or even painful at times. It can mean stepping outside of your comfort zone, agreeing to sing at your church, speaking words of forgiveness to someone that hurt you. Stretching can mean increasing your giving above your normal ten percent. It’s in the form of serving at a community shelter and sitting aside our desire for perfection in our homes and spending face to face time with our children. But, just like the rubber band, if we continue to stretch ourselves and align our hearts, and desires with Gods will, we will start to see a change in ourselves. The things that used to be difficult will become easier, the bad attitudes we may have had will start to disappear because we have stretched ourselves. With the stretching comes a promise as we saw in Isaiah 54:3. He has promised to give us blessing if we follow His will.

So, my challenge to you today is ask God where you need to stretch? What is it that needs to be brought into alignment with Him? Seek God this week and open your heart to His leading and He will greatly reward you!



       As I was praying about what God wanted me to focus on in 2019, I was given one word, “stretch” (more on this later what that word means to me). I have personally never experienced a “word of the year” before, but the past few months I have been seeking God to give me clarity on where He wanted me to serve. I had written down my desires of what I knew my heart wanted to do but I was unsure what that would all looked like. I have had a heavy heart to be able to  encouraging fellow Christians and helping them know that they are not alone in the struggles that they may face. So, I prayed, God you have given me a heart to see others excel in Gods word and know more about you, but where did I fit in with His plan.

      A few months ago, we had a worship night at our church. It was one of those rare evenings we were able to leave our three-year-old at home with Grandma and I was able to worship next to my husband without interruption. The worship team sang several songs and I was in my zone of worshiping God and asking Him for direction in what He wanted me to do. I heard Him tell me, “I’ve given you the ability to write, so write”. I had to sit down as the tears flowed. The presence of God was so strong at that moment that I knew without a doubt I was to write. I left that worship service that night knowing what God wanted me to do. I told my husband a few days later what I was supposed to do, and he supported me all the way. Since that time, I have written, and I have received ideas down loaded to me from God on what to write next, but fear started to filter in. What if I wasn’t good enough, what if no one wanted to read what I wrote, how was I going to get what God gives me to the audience he wants to hear it.
      This past Sunday morning we had another great service and at the end of the service we joined hands in prayer. As I was praying I heard God once again this time say to me, you are writing for me, not anyone else. God made it clear that it was the act of obedience that He wanted from me at this point and He would take care of the rest. So here I am writing, obeying God and I’ll put the results into His hands. As clear as the message was from God I still have second guessed myself even now as I sit here writing, but I will continue to write and trust God for the outcome.
     I have several goals of what I would like to see happen with my writings, but I know that no matter where it may lead, or who reads what God gives me to write, His word will not return void. He will make sure to touch lives I could never imagine touching! All I do, I do for the glory of God and in a simple act of obedience I will, write!

    So please join me each Monday evening as I post what God lays on my heart.  I pray that it will bless you and encourage you no matter where you are in your life.