HE has given us Victory!

As I reflect about Easter and all it means to us as Christians, I couldn’t help but think about the one day that is pretty much silent. Saturday there is not much said about it in the Bible, we know that it was their Sabbath so they were not able to do much at all on that day and maybe that’s why there is not anything mentioned. What we do know is in those silent days when Jesus’s friends, family, and followers were struggling with the feelings of fear, abandonment, loss, and all the other emotions that come from things not going how we picture, Jesus defeated all those things in His death and resurrection.

We think how Jesus defeated our sin on the cross and I’m so very glad He did just that, but He took it a step farther for us. He also defeated, fear, and hurt, bondage to insecurities, feelings of abandonment and loss. Jesus took all of those on him that day and when he rose he came up with glory and power over those things. He promised to send his Holy Spirit to comfort us in those times. It excites me that Easter is not just a onetime thing but that it lives on each day in ALL of our lives. Jesus was and still is the victor over everything that we face. Just like the day we asked Him to forgive us of our sin and we brought those things to the cross, we must bring to the cross the things we carry each day and let him take it from us and give us that same victory of resurrection through Him!

If you have never asked Christ into your life then today is the day! Christian, if you’re struggling with things in your life that you can’t seem to overcome, reach out to another Christian to pray for you today! Jesus conjured it all for us we just have to accept it!

Revelation 1:18 2 Corinthians 5:5

Palm Sunday

As Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem, on what we now call Palm Sunday, the people were shouting His praises. They were calling Him their King. They laid down robes and palm leaves onto the ground for His young donkey to walk on. The Jewish people were looking for a mighty earthly king to deliver them from the Roman Empire that suppressed them. They thought Jesus was that King and they were shouting His praise.

But, that’s not the kind of king that Jesus was. Jesus showed up differently than they had imagined. Very often Jesus shows up in a different way then what we had planned and we become disappointed. We have it all planned out how Jesus should show up in our lives and when he doesn’t, its hard for us to understand. We think he needs to come in a big miracle, or flashing lights, but maybe, he’s going to show up in a small voice, a word from a friend or in a quiet moment alone with him. We must look for Jesus in the small things and in the quiet moments. As we celebrate Palm Sunday remember that Jesus doesn’t always show up like we think or want him to, but he will show up!

Matthew 21:6-11 The two disciples did as Jesus commanded. They brought the donkey and the colt to him and threw their garments over the colt and he sat on it. Most of the crowd spread their garments on the road ahead of him, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. Jesus was in the center of the procession and the people all around him were shouting.

“Praise God for the Son of David! Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Praise God in highest heaven!”

The entire city of Jerusalem was in an uproar as he entered. “Who is this?” they asked. And the crowds replied, “its Jesus, the prophet form Nazareth in Galilee”.