Leaning Is a choice

The young man leans into the young girl to plant a kiss on her cheek. The angry wife leans into her husband to let him know just how she feels. A child leans into their parent to find comfort. We lean into a heavy object to watch it move. Leaning is a conscious act of movement that a person must do. When we lean into to something we not only choose to do so, but we expect a response in return.

Just like the young man when he leans towards the young girl, she responds by unconsciously leaning back towards him. It’s a natural instinct to respond this way. When the child that is suffering because of hurt leans into their parent, the parent leans down, and comforts the child. Just like our heavenly Father will. Jesus’ wants and desires us to lean into Him. He wants our first reaction when we have anger, hurt, love and so many more emotions, to lean into His arms that are always stretched out for us. Just like our natural instinct is to lean in response to those who lean into us, so is Jesus’ He will respond by leaning down and holding us in the place that we are at. We don’t have to feel we can only bring certain things to Jesus, He wants us to bring it all to Him.

It’s so easy when things happen in our lives to turn to our friends and family, and find comfort, or encouragement from them, but we must first learn to lean into or best friend, Jesus. This past week I’ve learned that its not easy, or natural, for me to automatically go to My Savior each time. The song that keeps coming to mind by John Stallings says, “learning to lean, learning to lean, I’m learning to lean on Jesus. Finding more power than I ever dreamed. I’m learning to lean on Jesus”.

That’s the awesome thing with Jesus, as we practice daily leaning on Him, He gives us the strength each day to get through things we never thought possible, touch lives for Him that no one else could have ever touched. It’s through that practice of leaning on Jesus that we can see mountains moved, and souls saved! Just like when we lean into a heavy object we expect movement, we can also expect movement from Jesus when we lean into Him. This week, when things seem to flood into your life, stop, and cry out to Jesus and lean into Him through prayer and reading our Bible and I Promise that he will lean back into you and you will see movement in the situation. Just like the parent that gets down on their knees to comfort the child, that will be Jesus. He will lean into our lives amongst all the mess, and heartache, and joy, and He will comfort, clean us up, and rejoice with us. Our only job is to LEAN.

Psalm 34:18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Psalm 40:1 I put all my hope in the Lord. He leaned down to me; He listened to my cry for help (CSB).