Just walk

Over the past few weeks my husband and I, have been trying to make some big decisions in our lives. I’ve prayed and prayed to have direction from God to know what way to go. I have found myself to be so worried that we will make the wrong decision that we just don’t make any decision at all. Last week I was praying and begging God to give us some answers and I felt like God told me that we must just walk. We can’t just stop all together, and just wait for him to show us something. He wants us to continue walking and he will close doors. We as Christians must knock on the door and its his job to open it or leave it closed. The peace that came from knowing that He loves us enough that if we are truly seeking his will that he wont open a door or let us take a path that would be contrary to his will.

In Isaiah 66 we read that the Lord says he will bless those who have humble hearts. In Isaiah 65:24 says “I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers!” I find great comfort knowing that if we are walking in his will and seeking his heart that he will not let us go in the wrong direction.

So, this week if your facing decisions and seeking God for direction, know that we must keep walking and that our job is to knock on the door and its his job to open or keep it closed. We must not fight the urge to just sit and wait, but we must keep pressing on. Continue doing what he has called you to do until he gives you your next assignment!